
That’s a Wrap 2019

And that’s a wrap 2019! To say it’s already the end of the year and am writing this post again, WOW.

If you want to look back at my 2017 and 2018 posts, I have linked them.

I am sad to have to write such a post to be honest. This year was like the crappiest of all years. It sucked big time. Lord I can only hope my 2020 end of year post is a lot different than this.

My Current Situation

First of all, this was my first full year of living in Florida. If we’re being honest, I have grown to resent living here. I am very used to moving and to change. I have moved many times since collage (alone and with my husband) so I can definitely adapt to change. A slew of bad things have happened to me since moving here, which I think is partly to blame for my dislike of Tampa. I miss Atlanta more than anything in my life and I really just need a change at this point. I am very ready to move on and leave all the negatives things behind that happened to me while living here.

The thing that makes it hard to move on, are the health issues I have developed this past year. I have been to SO many doctors and this is just the beginning of getting treated (if I can even be treated). I can’t leave when I am in the middle of all of this. If you are confused about what I am talking about, I have not opened up about these health issues on social media or on my blog yet and I am not sure if I ever will.

I have been dealing with it since this summer, but it’s too new and raw for me to talk about. I am in so much physical pain, and it’s causing a lot of mental pain. The pain is making me depressed and not feeling myself at all. I am new to constant pain and it’s completely changed my attitude and outlook in a negative way.

StyledJen Wins

I ended last year at 30k followers on Instagram and ended this year at 40k. My former self would consider this a win, I am honestly not as interested in growing anymore. I hope to get back to a point of being able to care. It feels like a luxury to care about trivial things when you have health issues.

I ended 2018 with 448 brand collaborations and ended this year with 643. Again, I am looking more for quality than quantity, but my former self would consider this a win.

Celebrated the 2 year anniversary of StyledJen.

Personal Highlights

I cut back on drinking a ton. My husband and I did a no drink January and it was honestly life changing for my productivity and sleep! After not drinking in January, we loved how we felt so much that we hardly drank after that (1-2 drinks per week). I used to drink like 2 bottles of wine every weekend so this was a huge win for me.

The Low Points

Every damn day. Dramatic, I know! But man it has been a struggle.

2020 Resolutions

To get my life back. I really need to figure out how to feel like me again. I lost my old routine when I started not doing well and I want to find that routine again (even if it’s a new modified one). My goals is to be committed to helping myself as much as possible this year and not sitting around and drowning in my emotions. My first step is to do another dry January. I figure fueling my body in the best way possible can help it helps itself heal. No alcohol will also help my sleep, which can only positively affect my life.

Lastly, I need to implement a new workout routine. I broke my wrist last Christmas doing HIIT and haven’t worked out since then. I don’t want to do HIIT again because I am too scared, but want to find something less intense that will get me back into the swing of things. This will be my hardest challenge since I have never gone this long without working out.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for allowing me to bare my soul in That’s a Wrap 2019. Sorry for being so depressing in this post!

Sizing reference: I am 5’4″ and typically XS in tops and 25 in bottoms.

Outfit Details:

Sweater (c/o), Skirt, Boots, Tights, Sunglasses, Louis Vuitton Bag


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